Asset Management

Webinar Series


The purpose of this introductory webinar series is to share the freely available tools and templates piloted with a group of municipalities in partnership with the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

This series will help develop a better understanding of asset management concepts and the staff resources required to adopt asset management as a decision-making tool for Council to identify local infrastructure investment priorities.

Description: Having an asset management governance structure fosters a culture of collaboration and integration between different departments and service areas including engineering, finance and operations to collectively provide standardized information on assets cost, risk and levels of service to inform Council decision-making. Join this session to learn more about the different types of governance structures that can be adopted to develop and implement an asset management program at your municipality.
Who Should Attend:

  • Elected Officials
  • CAO, Treasurer and Directors
  • Staff from various departments responsible for managing infrastructure assets

Leads: Dharmen Dhaliah, Asset Management Ontario
Cost: Free
Click here to access the cloud recording
Slides – Leadership and Governance in Municipal Asset Management 

Description: An asset hierarchy is a systematic organization of assets that creates a line of sight between services, assets and accountabilities that facilitates planning and decision-making. Join this session to learn more about the different asset data attributes that staff need to collect and maintain, and the available tools and templates you can use to assess the current state of your asset data inventory.
Who Should Attend:

  • Treasurer
  • Staff from various departments responsible for managing infrastructure assets

Leads: Shawn Boast, Asset Management Ontario
Cost: Free
Click here to access the cloud recording
Template – Establishing an Asset Hierarchy
Template – Asset Data Gap Analysis
Slides – Asset Hierarchy & Data Gap Analysis

Description: Levels of service can be defined as the performance of your assets or the quality of the service they provide to your community. Municipalities need to establish realistic targets based on the available financial resources and the minimum asset condition or performance requirements to address community needs. Higher service levels will result in reduced risk of asset failures or service interruption, but they are also more costly and difficult to sustain over the long-term. Join this session to learn more about the steps involved in identifying existing levels of service and establishing future targets using the available tools and templates.
Who Should Attend:

  • Elected Officials
  • CAO, Treasurer and Directors
  • Staff from various departments responsible for managing infrastructure assets

Leads: Leanne Brannigan, Asset Management Ontario
Cost: Free
Click here to access the cloud recording
Template – Establishing Levels of Service
Worksheet – Asset Hierarchy & Levels of Service
Municipal Metrics Catalogue for Levels of Service
Slides – Understanding Levels of Service

Description: Risk is assessed based on the likelihood of an asset failing and the severity of the service consequences if it does. Using risk assessment provides a more structured and objective assessment of what is the most important and urgent need in the existing asset base. Join this session to learn more about the steps involved in the risk assessment process by which infrastructure investment needs can be prioritized using the risk assessment template.
Who Should Attend:

  • Elected Officials
  • CAO, Treasurer and Directors
  • Staff from various departments responsible for managing infrastructure assets

Leads: Troy Mander, Asset Management Ontario
Cost: Free
Click here to access cloud recording
Template – Risk Assessment
Slides – Using Risk Assessment to Identify Priorities

Municipal Asset Management

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Asset Management Ontario is a community of practice comprised of asset management practitioners who share information and best practices to advance public sector asset management and stewardship of publicly-owned infrastructure in Ontario.

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