Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure

O.Reg. 588/17 Compliance

In December 2017, the Ontario Government passed Ontario Regulation 588/17 Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure (O.Reg. 588/17 Compliance).

The next upcoming reporting milestone will be due on July 1, 2021: an asset management plan covering a municipality’s ‘core’ infrastructure, which refers to roads, bridges & culverts, stormwater, water and wastewater assets.

We offer guidance documents and templates to support your municipality in addressing each major component of the core infrastructure asset management plan. For example:

  • In terms of structuring the asset register (asset inventory) requirements as per section 5 (2).3 of O.Reg. 588/17, check out the resources (presentationtemplates, and webinar) on ensuring an appropriate alignment from corporate objectives to service commitments down to the asset-level considerations. This will also help you identify gaps in the appropriate data to collect to support decision-making.
  • For background about setting levels of service as per sections 5 (2).1 and 6 (1).3 of the regulation, see the:  presentationtemplates, and webinar. To gain a sense about how other municipalities have benchmarked progress for various asset classes, the Municipal Metrics Catalogue may provide helpful ideas.

The Ministry also has its own Municipal Asset Management Planning site, which links to AMONTario for more information about Community of Practice Activities.

O.Reg. 588

Asset Management Ontario is a community of practice comprised of asset management practitioners who share information and best practices to advance public sector asset management and stewardship of publicly-owned infrastructure in Ontario.

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