Asset Management Ontario (AMONTario) invites you to a municipal metrics and level of service workshop on Friday, October 26th, 2018 at the City of Burlington.

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Infrastructure, this training and workshop is free for municipal employees.

Register at:–level-of-service-workshop–2138713982

Municipal Metrics & Level of Service Workshop

Hosted by the City of Burlington

Asset Management Ontario (AMONTario) invites you to a municipal metrics and level of service workshop on Friday, October 26th, 2018 at the City of Burlington.

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Infrastructure, this training and workshop is free for municipal employees.


O.Reg. 588/17 (Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure) requires every municipality in Ontario to prepare an asset management plan in respect of its core municipal infrastructure assets by July 1, 2021 and in respect of all other municipal infrastructure assets by July 1, 2023.

Central to these plans are levels of service (LOS) benchmarks for each asset category. The regulation specifies LOS metrics for core municipal infrastructure assets. With respect to all other municipal infrastructure assets, the regulation requires qualitative descriptions and technical metrics established by the municipality.

Asset Management Ontario (AMONTario) is developing a Municipal Metrics Catalogue that identifies metrics or benchmarks, both qualitative and technical, for various asset categories. An aim of this catalogue is to help users understand which metrics or benchmarks might be most appropriate for various circumstances.

Since levels of service encompass both qualitative and technical aspects, this workshop is intended for municipal employees working in asset management across a range of functions: public works, finance, planning, and administration.

Workshop Details

Date: Friday, October 26, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: City of Burlington: 414 Locust Street – 2nd floor Burlington, ON L7S 1B3 (Boardroom is located on the second floor next to the Burlington Economic Development Committee.)
Cost: Free (to municipalities)

Registration: Go to–level-of-service-workshop–2138713982 to register.


Objective: The objective of this workshop is for participants to to take away practical insights that they can apply in developing their respective municipalities’ asset management plans, particularly around benchmarking current and future levels of service for different asset categories.

  1. Welcome and Opening Remarks                                       9:00 am
    • Andrew Maas, City of Burlington
  2. Context: Challenges of Metrics and Levels of Service   9:30 a.m.

in O.Reg. 588/17

  1. Presentation on Municipal Metrics Catalog                    10:00 a.m.
    • Mike Hausser, County of Huron
    • Circulation of draft Municipal Metrics Catalog

Break                                                                                                  10:45 a.m.

  1. Workshop                                                                               11:00 a.m.
    • Break out groups covering various level of service

(LOS) areas

  • Consider the municipal metrics for those LOS

Lunch                                                                                                   Noon

  1. Discussion on Proposed Changes to Municipal                1:00 p.m.

Metrics Catalog

  1. Wrap up and closing remarks                                              3:00 pm

Further Questions: Please e-mail:

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